Sunday, October 21, 2012

What is this study???

So this study is using much of the material from Henry T. Blackaby's and Claude V. King's "Experiencing God for youth" study.

Now to begin, I'm going to give you a sad statistic. A poll was taken in America of A LOT of people. The poll showed:
5% of people are thinkers
10% of people think they think, but don't
85% of people would rather die than think

Now this isn't to say they'd rather die than ponder about something, but for example, my mother wanted to do a worldview class in their small group. Nobody wanted to because it "was too much work". Now my hope for you guys is that you will stick to it and find the time to do this "study". I hope you will prove to be the 5%. Yes, it will be a life changer if you come at it with the right attitude. I encourage you to begin reading these with a short prayer.  I am going to lead this and I would appreciate prayer! XD

Now what I'm about to tell you can be tough. I believe(and am pretty sure you all do too) that the Bible is true and what is in it is real. All of it. We take the Bible literally. I will not ask and ask that you do not ask this question about ANY Scripture. "What does it mean
to you? What it means to you isn't the same as it means to me. NO!!! I'm sorry, but that is called relativism and comes from the basis of atheism and I believe it is wrong. For example: John 3:16. If I ask you what it means to YOU, your answer may differ from mine. But if we take the Bible literally, then it clearly means that whoever believes in Christ shall not perish and have eternal life. See what I mean? I want you to ask, "What does it mean?" In a literal, biblical sense. I trust you all to do so. ;-)

This study goes thru 7 realities of experiencing God. Here is a picture of the realities.

The 7 Realities are:

  • God is always at work around you.
  • God pursues a continuing love relationship with you that's real and personal.
  • God invites you to become involved with him in his work.
  • God speaks by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church to reveal Himself, His purposes, and His ways.
  • God's invitation for you to work with Him always leads you to a crisis of belief that requires faith and action.
  • You must make major adjustments in your life to join God in what He is doing.
  • You come to know God by experience as you obey Him, and He accomplishes His work through you.
We will be going over each one slowly and in depth. We'll dig deeper into the Scriptures and spend time on each one, making sure all of us understand it.

I would love for y'all to do one thing before you jump in. Please tell us this. In your own words, and commit yourself to the LORD!

I am committing myself to do this study with my fellow "cyber friends" so I can experience God in my life. I trust God to help me experience Him. I will be patient with others and trust God will reveal Himself to that person in His own ways.

If you want to know Christ, but don't know how, please PM me and I'll help you along the path as you begin your journey of walking with Christ.

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